National Bureau of Standards <br> Cryptographic Algorithms for Protection of Computer Data during Transmission and Dormant Storage <br> Solicitation of Proposals

National Bureau of Standards

Cryptographic Algorithms for Protection of Computer Data during Transmission and Dormant Storage

Solicitation of Proposals

  The National Bureau of Standard under Department of Commerce authorities and responsibilities for fostering, promoting, and developing U.S. trade and commerce, and based on the National Bureau of Standards responsibility for the custody, maintenance, and development of the National standards of measurement, and the provision of means and methods for making measurements consistent with those standards, solicits proposals for algorithms for the encryption of computer data to ensure their protection during transmission over exposed communications facilities or while recorded on media and in transport or in storage. It is the intent of NBS to collect the submitted algorithms, select those suitable for commercial and nondefense government use and to publish guidelines relative to employing encryption.

  Over the last decade, there has been accelerating increase in the accumulations communication of digital data by government, industry and by other organizations in the private sector. The contents of these communicated and stored data often have very significant value and/or sensitivity. It is now common to find data transmissions which constitute funds transfers of several million dollars, purchase or sale of securities, warrants for arrests or arrest and conviction records being communicated between law enforcement agencies, airline reservations and ticketing representing investment and value both to the airline and passengers, and health and patient care records transmitted among physicians and treatment centers.

  The increasing volume, value and confidentiality of these records regularly transmitted and stored by commercial and government agenices has led to heightened recognition and concern over their exposure to unauthorized access and use. This misuse can be in the form of theft or defalcations of data records representing money, malicious modification of business inventories or the interception and misuse of confidential information about people. The need for protection is then apparent and urgent.

  It is recognized that encryption (otherwise known as scrambling, enciphering or privacy transformation) represents the only means of protecting such data during transmission and a useful means of protecting the content of data stored on various media, providing encryption of adequate strength can be devised and validated and is inherently integrable into system architecture. The National Bureau of Standards solicits proposed techniques and algorithms for computer data encryption. The Bureau also solicits recommended techniques for implementing the cryptographic function; for generating, evaluating and protecting cryptographic keys; for changing and transporting or communicating keys; for maintaining files encoded under expiring keys; for making partial updates to encrypted files; and mixed clear and encrypted data to permit labeling, polling, routing, etc. The Bureau in its role for establishing standards and aiding government and industry in assessing technology, will arrange for the evaluation of protection methods in order to prepare guidelines.

  Responses to this notice should be submitted on or before July 16, 1973. Responses should be submitted to the Director, Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234.

  Dated May 10, 1973.

Richard W. Roberts,

[FR Doc. 73-9705 Filed 5-14-73;8:45 am]


本 blog 算是转载, 而非原创. 本人近日研究 GitHub 上知名开源项目 shadowsocks 时, 了解到了 DES 算法, 同时在 B 站上找到一个优秀的, 用于讲解 DES 算法的视频: 【计算机博物志】DES的生与死. 在此视频最后有一个参考文献, 突然我心血来潮, 想要自己考证一下, 于是引出了此篇博文, 用于记录其中一个参考文献, 其原文为影印版, 此处特地将其转化为文本的形式, 尽可能地保存了其原始排版.

本篇博文并没有中文翻译, 同时此文本形式的内容由文本识别软件识别而来不一定保证与原文百分百一致, 仅供参考.

在学习 DBS 算法时, 我还在 GitHub 上找到一个项目, 用于 DBS 加密, 项目链接,

IP属地: 曹县

National Bureau of Standards <br> Cryptographic Algorithms for Protection of Computer Data during Transmission and Dormant Storage <br> Solicitation of Proposals其他/Cryptographic Algorithms for Protection of Computer Data during Transmission and Dormant Storage/